Clarence, Russel, Ray, Rainer, Daniel, Tim, Brian, Thomas, Wong Guo, Ibrahim, Xiang…our group for this week. This was a trip much anticipated after last year’s awesome big fish trip. We broke the group up into two groups – the over 40 years age group and the below 40 age group. There was much ribbing as to which boat would take top honours; brawn versus brain apparently was to be the tactics to get the most and largest fish on board.
As has become the expected norm, the action was great in periods of high intensity and slow when the current was not moving. The big GT’s made the show they were called unto to provide, but there were just too many misses. Missed opportunities mean that a big GT is not going to give you another chance and you will need to wait till another one takes a fancy to your lure on a particular day.
We had some highlight moments as well, with Rainer hooking up two fish on one lure – a grouper and a GT; what a great double-header. Ray, who had recently discovered the delights of micro jigging, managed a very creditable dogtooth tuna of 15 kilos on PE 0.6. Ray was also not to be outdone on topwater, when his GT Harrier was inhaled by a 35 kilo GT, which he put on board in short time.
Just before the trip began I had a chat with Brian and told him that a big GT would make a terrific picture if it sat on his lap; he did just that for us with a his PB GT – a 36 kilo fish. Tim put himself on top of the top-of-the-week chart with a 38 kilo GT. A great take followed by a really scrappy fight meant it was truly a well-earned fish. Russel, the quiet assassin, it must be said – as we have always seen him quietly fishing from the casting station at the back of the boat from where, over the last few visits, he always hooks and lands some nice fish and this year it was no different.
The lure of the trip was the Kokari popper which worked in both the 130 and 160 configurations and put all the big fish on deck. Another thing to ensure our formula’s accuracy for the discerning angler – we have additionally been weighing fish over 130 cm and so far the results have been spot on.
In the end though, it did pan out that brawn (sorry guys, no offense) or the below 40 age group did trump this trip both in numbers and in the size of the GT’s landed. The old warriors will need to lick their wounds and return to have another go, one more time, in an epic rematch that you will need to stay tuned for. Till next time, enjoy the pictures.
Tight lines,
Team GFA
Tackle Used
Popping Rods: Carpenter, Ripple Fisher, El-Toro, Hammerhead Faube
Popping Reels: Shimano Stella, Daiwa Saltiga, Penn
Popping Lures: FCL, Kokari, Cubera, Amberjack Lures, Carpenter, Hammer Head, GT Harrier
Jigging Rods: Posideon, Yamaga Blanks, Ripple Fisher
Jigging Reels: Shimano Stella, Daiwa Saltiga
Jigs: Shout, Fisherman Andaman, Seven Seas Hooker, Yo-Zuri
Species Caught: Giant Trevally, Coral Trout, Grouper, Bohar Snapper, Dogtooth Tuna, Bludger Trevally
The Sportfishing Charter of the Andaman Islands
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