After almost a full year of being unable to get out and do a full weeks fishing, wefinally had returning customer Dr Suresh Kumar from Chennai along with two friends Karunakaran and Bala Singh book and arrive to fish with us in the Andaman Islands.Both Rama and Dilip were eager to get out and see where the fish were and what monsters would be lurking around in our playground, that has been rested so well.Planning, tackle prep, discussions and the Covid protocols in place, the guys were ready to head out with 3 excited anglers and Suresh out to get his personal best GT.
Here Is The Report From Captain Rama
First Day – We went fishing towards the Sister Islands. Tried popping at a deep spot and had some nice action to start the trip, landed a few GT’s upto about 15 kgs. Shallow reefs did not produce much action, so we changed the spot. Suresh got a big strike and landed nice GT which weighed 35 kilo on the Amegari Dzanga.
Second Day – At the start of the day we had slack tides so there was not much action, but as soon as the current picked up, we started to catch GT’s, however, two nice dogtooth tuna followed the lures but did not bite. We did a bit of jigging as well and had plenty of action with smaller fish, a really big sailfish came up on the jigging spot as well.
Third Day – We had to change plan and return to Port Blair, because Little Andaman was closed to tourists again, as a precaution against Covid. The first hour was good and then we decided to move our spot as soon as we had slack tide. As soon as the tide changed again, we had lots of dogtooth follow us, but without taking the lures. When we moved spot again Suresh, was fighting a small GT he was bringing in, this was followed by a big dogtooth tuna over 50 kilos, so we decided to do another drift, again Suresh hooked a small GT, which was followed by one enormous GT well over 60 kg, Suresh though it was grouper but with the speed that the fish moved, we knew it to be a huge GT.
The Fourth And Fifth Days – we fished at Invisible Banks with plenty of action and so many fish landed, the Barracudas were also around in big numbers and sailfish were seen every day on all the deep spots. Suresh was unlucky when at one of our deep spots his Hammerhead Stickbait was taken on the first cast by a big GT which hammered the lure by the head and turned, unfortunately it cut the line with its tail and bust off.
Sixth Day – With the guys wanting to catch a decent dogtooth we decided to dedicate most of the last fishing day to jigging and see if Suresh could land a dogtooth over 20kg. At the jigging spot there were lots of dogtooth around and we landed over 40 of them in one session, but nothing big. We did have 3 big strikes. After lunch we decided to do a final topwater session and moved spots, seeing bait fish about we raised a big GT but it did not take the lure, on the next drift again we had follows from two big GT but they did not bite. We decided to spend the last hour light jigging and ended the trip with a grey reef shark, some small GT and Bohar Snapper.
Dr. Suresh did land his PB and had close to 100 fish landed over 6 days of fishing for one angler, enjoy the pictures and know that the Andaman Islands fishing is rocking!
Tight Lines
Team GFA
The Sportfishing Charter of the Andaman Islands
The Gamefishing Asia™ team, is one of the best in the world. An incredible fishery coupled with spectacular locations, well-equipped boats, state-of-the-art equipment, delicious food and pleasurable company make your angling holiday with us an experience you will never forget.
Do not hesitage to give us a call. We are an expert team and we are happy to talk to you.
+91 7063955070 / +91 9900 568091